Мої уроки

Конспект уроку в 9 класі.

The subject of the lesson: Походження деяких видів спорту.

The aim of the lesson: розвивати вміння вживати активну лексику по темі «Спорт» в діалогічному та монологічному мовленні;

практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься у тексті;

розвивати вміння вести бесіду і аргументовано висловлювати свої думки, використовуючи вивчений лексичний і граматичний матеріал; 

практикувати учнів у вживанні структур Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses.

навчити учнів працювати в парах.

The materials: підручник, роздатковий матеріал, наочність, аудіозапис.


I.1.Introductory. Aim.

T: Good afternoon, dear pupils. As you remember, at the previous lesson we spoke about your preferences in sports. We have also got acquainted with such extreme kinds of sports as surfing, Taekwondo and sailing. But do you know anything about the origin of the most popular kinds of sports in the world? Our task is to find out such information reading the text “How the English invented sports.” At the end of the lesson you’ll be ready to extract relevant information from reading and listening to the text using appropriate sub-skills.

2. Brainstorming activity. T: And now be attentive. On the board there are statements which express your attitude to this or that sports activity. Using these prompts tell us about your feelings.

     1.I’m really passionate about…

  1. I’m really into…

  2.  I love…

  3. I quite enjoy…

  4. I don’t mind…

  5. I find …a bit boring

  6. I can’t see the point of…

  7. I’m not really into…

  8. I can’t stand…

II. The main part of the lesson. 

3. Reading the text” How the English invented sports” Ex.1,p.16(PB) Pair work.

a) Pre-reading activity.

T: Pupils, let’s describe the pictures in the text. Which sports are they playing? What can you say about their clothes? Why are they unusual? 

b) While-reading activity

T: Our first task is to read the text and match the headings   a-f to the paragraphs 1-6.But first I want to focus you on the title of the text and the phrase “beat them at their own game”. How do you understand its meaning?

T:  Now look through the headings on the sheets of papers:

  1. How football went around the world  (3)

  2. A brighter future for British sport  (6)

  3. Britain: the home of sport?  (1)

  4. How a schoolboy changed the game of football  (4)

  5. The origins of modern football  (2)

f) How tennis was developed (5)

T: While-reading the text underline the sentences which prove your point of view. You work in pairs and help each other, then you’ll explain your choice. (The pupils read the text sciently).

 c) Post-reading activity Ex.3,p.16 (PB)

T: And now you have to read the text again and tick true/ false/no information. 

  1. Calcio storico is the oldest form of football that we know about. (false)

  2. Sheffield Football Club has existed for more than 150 years.  (true)

  3. Englishmen helped football become more popular in other countries.  (true)

  4. William Webb Ellis wrote down the rules of rugby. (false)

  5. England has never won the Rugby World Cup.(false)

  6. The French invented a game similar to tennis in the 1870s.(false)

  7. No English person has won a Wimbledon title for more than thirty years. (true)

T: Let’s check up, but if the statement is false, please, correct it.

4. Vocabulary Training. 

T: You have read the text twice, so it will be easy for you to find words or phrases in the text which mean:

  1. The person or team that wins a competition (champion)

  2. They say what is allowed or not allowed in a sport or game (rules)

  3. To become known about by more people and in more places (spread abroad)

  4. To organize an event or meeting in a particular place (held)

  5. The best achievement so far in a sport (record)

T: Listen to the tape-recorder and check.

5. Listening. ”Cricket.” (additional information)

T: Do you know anything about cricket? How is it played? What are the rules of cricket?

T: Listen to the short text and be ready to answer such questions:

1. Was cricket invented in the USA?

2. When was the first game of cricket played?

3. Where is cricket more popular- in our country or abroad?

4. Is cricket more popular among teenagers or grown-ups?


Cricket is another game that was invented in the UK. The first game of cricket was played in the 1600s. Cricket was exported by the British to many parts of the world and remains one of the most popular sports in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand and the West Indies. About twenty million people around the world play

     cricket on a regular basis. Cricket is popular with teenagers

in the UK and many teenage boys belong to a cricket club or play cricket at school.

6. Oral Speaking. Discussion the questions in groups.

T: Let’s divide our class into 3 groups. Every group has the same questions. After some minutes each group will express your ideas and listen to those of others.

Questions: 1. What sport is your country good at? 

                      2. Who are the biggest sports stars in your country

                     3. Did any sport begin in your country?

                     4. Do you think your country has a bright future in sport? Why? Why not?

T: As we see there are much common in your answers.

 7.Grammar. Ex3,p.18(WB)

 T:Let’s do an exercise on grammar. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses.

  1. Fiona _____to America three times.

  2. What time________ (they/come) home yesterday?

  3. That dress_______ (look) really nice on you, Joan.

  4. I_____ (not/see) their new show yet.

  5.  Tom, listen to me! What______ (you/think) about..?

  6. I_____ (go) to Disneyland when I was eight.

  7.  My best friend______ (get) married next month.

  8. Ian____ (not/want) to be a teacher.

     III. Summarizing. Homework.

T: T: It was our last task for today. What can you say about our lesson? Was it interesting or boring? Which activity did you like best?  What new information have you leant? Your hometask for the next lesson is to find some information about sports stars in our country and do ex. 4-7,p.14-15 (WB)-read the text about Welsh athlete and do exercises for comprehension. I’m satisfied with your answers. Your marks are… Good-bye.

Конспект  уроку  з англійської мови в 2 класі на тему: ”Weather”


  • ознайомити учнів з новими словами та виразами і практикувати  їх вживання: It is windy. It is snowing. It is cold. Magic Island

  • повторити  лексику уроку за допомогою вірша “Close your eyes”,

  • ввести буквосполучення сk, 

  • формувати навички усного мовлення,

  • формувати навички аудіювання,

  • формувати навички письма,

  • розвивати увагу, пам’ять учнів,

  • виховувати в учнів повагу до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: підручник, презентація, ІКТ, малюнки, аудіо, картки з завданнями.

Хід уроку  

I. Вступна частина.
1) Привітання та повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T. Good morning pupils! 

P.-Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you!

Good morning guests! Nice to see you at our English Lesson! But first of all,  look at the window and say, “What is the weather like today”.  

Is it sunny?

Yes, it is/No, it is not.

Is it hot? Is it raining? Can you play in a bad weather? No, you can’t.

When can you play? We can play in a good weather!

Today our topic is “ Nature and Weather”.

By the end of the our lesson

 we should:

  say 2-3 sentences,

→   speak on the topic.

→   understand and use the phrases: It is windy. It is snowing. It is cold.   Island,  magic.  

→   read the text well.

→   know well spelling of the parts of the body.

2) Організація уроку.

 I want to see if you are ready for the lesson? (Діти показують,словники, робочі зошити, підручники).

T: Well! Are you ready! We start our lesson!

ІІ. Основна частина.

1) Мовленнєва зарядка. Warming up. Ознайомлення з правилами читання буквосполучення ck.

Page 128.  Буквосполучення ck вимовляється як [k].Read after me: Nick, neck, Vicky, black. Діти всі разом читають слова. Потім прослуховують скоромовку та повторюють за вчителем. 

 Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat.

(Вчитель по черзі закриває кожне слово скоромовки на дошці, а учні повинні визначити та назвати, якого слова не вистачає в реченні й за бажанням декламувати її).

2) Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Повторення вивчених слів минулого уроку. Діти дивляться на мультимедійну дошку,  де зображена різна погода. По черзі описують її.

It is sunny. It is hot. It is nice weather! It is raining. It is cold. It is bad weather! Потім діти за бажанням декламують вірш “ When it is raining”.

3) Пояснення нового матеріалу, введення нових ЛО та практикування в його вживанні.

Вчитель вводить нові ЛО. На мультимедійній дошці зображені малюнки з новими словами. Вчитель промовляє нові слова, пояснює їх значення. Діти повторюють за вчителем. Для закріплення матеріалу діти відкривають підручники на стр.127.

T: Open your books,  page 127. Listen and repeat. 

It is windy. It is snowing. It is cold. Magic Island.

T: Page 127. Point and say.

Учні за викликом вчителя складають речення за зразком.

T: Page127.Look, listen and repeat.

4) прослуховування нових ЛО в діалозі( з опорою на наочність).

(Учні слухають аудіо та  повторюють репліки). 

5) Читання.

Reading. Розвиток умінь читання та усного мовлення

На мультимедійній дошці зображений текст, де замість слів по темі, зображені малюнки. Діти повинні прочитати текст,  вставляючи слова замість малюнків.

Good morning, Kate!   It is а nice day today! It is The birds are in the tree. It is not .Let’s go to the park, Kate! It is not .

It is Magic Island. It is. It is cold. Let’s go home. It is.

6) Фізкульт хвилинка.


7) Письмо. Перевірка навичок письма

Вчитель роздає картки з завданням для 2 варіантів .Потрібно поставити літери в правильному порядку, щоб утворилось правильне слово. 

    І варіант                                                  ІІ варіант

daeh,  ote, gel mthou                         esno, rea, yee, cefa

На мультимедійній дошці зображені завдання І та ІІ варіантів. За бажанням з кожного варіанту учень називає слова,  які утворились. У кого співпадають слова, той піднімає руку. Потім на екрані з’являються правильні відповіді.

8) Закріплення (групова роботa).

Для закріплення нового матеріалу, пограємо в гру. Вчитель називає речення по темі, якщо речення правильне діти плескають руками.

It is raining today.

It is sunny today.

It is windy.

It is cold.

It is snowing.

It is а nice day today.

ІІІ. Кінцева частина.

1) Підведення підсумків уроку. Рефлексія.

T: Що нового ви вивчили на уроці? Діти по черзі називають слова та фрази, що вивчили на уроці.

(Створення учнями емоційоного стану від проведеного уроку, шляхом виконання роботи – за допомогою хмарок та сонечка  учні давали відповідь на запитання: «Чи сподобався урок?» 

Якщо сподобався урок – діти показували сонечко, якщо не сподобався – хмарку. 

2) Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

Домашнє завдання:

  • вивчити нові вирази та слова – с. 127.

  • читати слова та речення – с. 128.

  • вивчити вірш ” Close your eyes”– с. 128.




Конспект уроку у 5 класі

Тема: My family


  • систематизувати знання учнів з теми «Моя сім’я», активізуючи вживання вивчених лексичних одиниць; 

  • відпрацювати вживання ступенів порівняння прикметників та граматичної структури «have got/has got» в усному та писемному мовленні; 

  • підготовити учнів до написання розповіді про свою сім’ю на основі створеного сімейного дерева;

  • розвивати  вміння та навички усного, писемного продукування, вміння сприймати на слух, усної взаємодії та зорового сприйняття; 

  • розвивати  творчі здібності школярів; продовжувати формувати вміння працювати в групах та парах; 

  • виховувати культуру мовлення, любов та повагу до родини та співрозмовника. 

Очікувані результати: учні використовують лексико-граматичний матеріал опрацьований на попередніх уроках для розповідей про свої родини.

Ключові компетентності: здатність спілкуватися іноземними мовами, соціальні компетентності, уміння вчитися, інформаційно-комунікаційна. 

Тип уроку: урок закріплення вивченого матеріалу. 

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, комп’ютер, аудіододатки, флеш-кратки «Члени родини», картки з завданнями, зображення сімейного дерева.

Хід уроку

І. Організація класу. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземної мови. 

1.  Привітання. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T. Hello, children! I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

Ch. Hello, teacher! We are glad to see you too, we are fine, thank you!

T: Today we‘ll revise the grammar and vocabulary on the topic «My Family». Let’s start our lesson!

2. Введення в іншомовну  атмосферу. Фонетична зарядка «Зникаючі рядочки». Учні повторюють за вчителем вірш в голос. (Вчитель поступово витирає з дошки частини вірша, учні вивчають вірш, повторивши кілька разів)

We help our mother

When she washes or cooks.

Together with father

We like to read books.

3.Лексична зарядка. Brainstorming. Повторення та активізація ЛО до теми «My Family» методом «Мозкового штурму». Створення Mind Map у формі квітки.

T. Pupils, what words do you associate with the topic «Family»? Let’s fill these parts of papers with adjectives and nouns and make a Mind-Map in a form of a flower (учні вписують прикметники, які описують слово сім’я в пелюстки квітки та іменники в її листочки).

4. Гра «Вгадай, хто це» (Guess who they are.). Вчитель просить дітей на хвилинку закрити очі. Розклеює по класі карточки, діти мають згрупувати ці вирази).

           Guess who they are.

My father’s father is my (grandfather)

My father and my mother are my (parents)

My parents’ daughter is my (sister)

My mother’s mother is my (grandmother)

My parents’ son is my (brother)

My aunt’s kids are my (cousins)

My father’s brother is my (uncle)

My father and my mother are my (parents)

            My mother’s daughter is my … (sister)

           My father’s mother is my…. (grandmother)


  1. Бесіда в режимі T🡪P1-P2-P3.

T: How many people are there in your family?

Are you the youngest person?

Who is the oldest among your relatives? What can you say about him/her?

2. Аудіювання. Listening Comprehension

1) Подання тексту для аудіювання.

Учитель читає текст. Учні слухають, а потім заповнюють пропуски на картках.

Т:  Listen to Amy talking about how it is to be the eldest sister. Then complete the text on your cards.

Amy: «Being the eldest brother or sister in your family can be pretty difficult —

I know, because I’m the eldest. I have a brother who’s three years younger than me, and a sister who is seven years younger than me. And sometimes, I wish I was the youngest. Your parents blame you for everything, simply because you’re the eldest. Being the eldest can be really great — you can boss them around — but it also comes with a lot of responsibility».

2) Бесіда в режимі T🡪P1-P2-P3.

T: What do you think of Amy’s opinion about being the eldest child in the family?

Do you agree? Why (not)?

Have you ever dreamt about being the eldest/youngest? Why?

3. Relaxation. Фізкультхвилинка.

T. I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest!!! What about some movements?

(римування з рухами «1,2»)

1,2 –I love you.

3,4 –touch the floor.

5,6-mix and mix.

7,8 –it is great!

9,10-play again.

4. Grammar. Повторення граматичного матеріалу. Граматична гра.

Учні працюють у групах по троє. Кожна з них отримує картку з прикметником у звичайному ступені порівняння. Один з учнів групи утворює речення з цим прикметником, другий — з його вищим ступенем порівняння, а третій — з найвищим ступенем. Потім кожна група зачитує свої речення. Кожне правильно складене речення приносить один бал. Перемагає група, яка отримає найбільшу кількість балів.


5) Робота з картками. Oral Speaking.

Учні по черзі беруть картки (НО3) із запитаннями та відповідають на них.

1.Who is the smartest student in your class?

2.Who is the kindest person you know?

3.Who is a more active person than you?

4.Who is the eldest person in your family?

5. Who is the most hard-working student in your class?

6. Which of your friends is the most cheerful?

7. Who is the noisiest person you know?

  1. Практика вживання дієслова Have / has got в реченнях.

А) Вживайте дієслово have і has в реченнях

  1. Tom … got a small family. 

  2. I…got a nice ball. 

  3. Kate …got a mother. 

  4. You …got a little brother.

  5. … she got a sister? 

В) Make up sentences using these words. / Складіть речення, використовуючи ці слова.

  1. got, mother, a, has, Kate.

  2. you, Have, family, a got.

  3. is, My, family, big.

  4. have, I, got, a, brother.

  5. father, Have, you, a, got?

  1. Розвиток навичок письма . You have to complete the text. 

My name is…   I am from…...   I have got а …    My mother’s name is….    She is a…. My father’s name is….He is a….. My grandmother and grandfather are  ...   My brother’s name is …… He is a ….. He is ….. . I….. my family.


Homework.  Домашнє завдання. 

Т: Open your daybooks and write down your home task for the next lesson. Your home task is to make up a story about your family, draw a family tree.

The subject of the lesson: My House, flat. Form 3

 The aim of the lesson:

- продовжити знайомство учнів з новими ЛО та відпрацювати їх вживання в усному та писемному мовленні;

-навчити учнів робити усні повідомлення про своє помешкання (з опорою на малюнок), застосовуючи вивчений  лексичний та граматичний матеріал;

-активізувати вживання прийменників above, in front of, next to, in, on, under, on the left, on the right в мовленні;

-  розвивати фонетичний  та інтонаційний слух, мовну здогадку;

-удосконалювати навички аудіювання  тексту з метою розуміння всієї інформації, яка в ньому міститься;

-розвивати мовну і слухову пам'ять;

-розвивати в учнів вміння працювати в парах;

-виховувати в учнів бережне ставлення до свого майна.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, малюнки із зображенням меблів, аудіозапис.


  1. 1. Introduction. Aim.

T: Good morning, dear pupils. How are you? Who is on duty today? 

T: Today we’ll continue speaking about the house or flat where you live.  You’ll learn what the things in the room are called and practise  saying where the things in the rooms are, using the prepositions above, in front of, next to, in, on, under, on the left, on the right. We’ll also learn a new poem. 

  1. Phonetic drills.

T: At the previous lesson we learnt the poem “The house”. Who wants to recite it? 

                My house

My house has a big red door.

Please, come inside and I will show you more.

The living-room is where we play games.

The dining room is where we eat.

The kitchen is where we cook.

The basement is where we play.

The bathroom is where I take a bath.

The garage is where we park our cars.

The bedroom is where I go to sleep.

This is my house. 

  1. The main part of the lesson.

  1. Warming up. Guessing game.

T: I wrote some words on the blackboard. Your task is to choose only the words which are connected with a topic “Flat\room ”: living-room, swim, kitchen, chair, bathroom, jump, doll, bedroom, bookcase, computer, table……  

  1. Check on homework Ex2, p.27 (AB)

T: Let’s check up your home exercise. You have to look and write as in an example.

Where is mom? - She is in the kitchen. 

  1. Silent dictation. Revision of lexics.

T: Now I show you the pictures of the room and kinds of furniture, you must write these words on the sheet of paper. Exchange with your classmates and check up.

  1. Presenting and practising new vocabulary.

T: Have you got a room of your own? Imagine you have a chance to furnish it as you like. Look at the pictures and choose five things you would like to see in it. But first repeat after me these new words (armchair, sofa, carpet, floor)- хорове і індивідуальне повторення. Make up your own sentences like that: There is a sofa, a TV, an arm-chair, a table and a window in my room.

  1. Physical Activity. Song “Hockey-Pockey”

  2. Grammar presenting and practice. 

Пояснення вчителя. Вчитель бере олівець і кладе його в різні місця по відношенню до книжки,вживаючи нові прийменники, а учні повторюють за ним.

T: The pencil is in front of the book.

 The pencil is next to the book.

The pencil is above the book…..

T: Listen to the poem “Where is the kitchen, Paul?” and complete it with the words-prepositions.

             Where is the kitchen, Paul?

Where’s the kitchen, Paul?

It’s on the left, next to the hall.

Where’re the bedrooms, Paul?

They’re on the right, next to the hall.

Where’s the living room, Paul?

Is it near the bathroom? No?

No, that’s the bedroom, too, dear.

The living room is over there.

T: And now look at the picture. Choose the correct preposition and read the sentences.Робота з картками і малюнком. Робота в парах.

  1. The book is _______(in, on) the sofa.

  2. The sofa is ______(near, under) the wall.

  3. The armchair is ______ (next to, in front of) the sofa.

  4. The picture is______(above, on ) the table.

  5. The carpet is _____(on, near) the floor.

  1. Listening Compehension. Speaking (describing of the room) 

Учитель роздає картки із зображенням вітальні, а також предметів, які треба розфарбувати і зєднати з певними місцями на малюнку . Учні слухають вчителя та виконують його команди. Потім усно описують кімнату.

T: Take the chair, colour it brown, put the chair near the table.

Take the carpet, colour it blue, put it on the floor.

Take the bookshelf, colour it yellow, put it next to the picture.

Take the toy car, colour it red, put it under the table.

10.Reading. (ex 3, p.39 PB)\Writing

-Pre-reading activity 

T: Look at the text on the page 39. Look it through and name all the words on the topic “Flat\room”

-While-reading the text tasks

T: In the text there are some new words, you can see them on the blackboard, repeat after me. Now read the text and choose the right sentences. Correct the sentences which are wrong. Читання мовчки.

  1. This is a bedroom.   False

  2. This is a living-room.   True

  3. The sofa is near the wall on the right.    False

  4.  The TV is on the wall on the left.   False

  5. The armchair is next to the sofa.   True

  6. The lamp is near the armchair.   True

  7. The table is under the window.    False

  8. There are 6 chairs near the table.   True


T:Describe the picture using the topic words and prepositions which we’ve learnt today.

  1. Hometask. Summing up. Homework

 T: The lesson comes to the end. Your hometask is to do exercise 3, p.30 (WB). Your task is to read the sentences and fill in the missing words. What topic were we discussing? What new words have you learnt? What grammar did we practice?Did you like our lesson?

I’m satisfied with your answers. You’ve got marks….. The lesson is over.  Good-bye. 

The Subject of the lesson: My friend’s appearance. Form 2

The Aim of the lesson: -to revise all the vocabulary on the topic;

 -to develop pupils’ skills and habits of prepared and unprepared speech;

  -to develop pupils’ skills of reading and listening;

 -to practice the using of grammar structure “have got/has got”;                

  -to teach them to love and respect their classmates and friends;  

  -to develop pupils’ skills to think logically, to develop attention.

Materials: audio, cards, pictures, presentation.

                                          Plan of the lesson.

I.Introduction. The Subject/the aim.

T: Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? I hope that everything is OK! Let’s start our lesson.

Today we’re going to speak about appearance: your, your friend’s or classmate’s appearance. We’ll also describe fairy tale heroes, listen to the song, recite poems, revise grammar structure “have got”. I hope you’ll like our lesson. And by the end of the lesson you’ll learn how to describe people according to the plan.

II.The main part of the lesson.


T: The motto of the lesson is the proverb “Take us as you find us”. Can you translate it. You can explain these words in Ukrainian. It isn’t so important how does the person look like: is he or she tall or short, thin or plump, has he/she got long or short hair, curly, straight or wavy. It’s more important our inner world. By the end of the lesson we’ll try to prove it.

2.Lexicall drills/Phonetic drills. 

T: And now look at this handsome boy and repeat the words which you have already known (хорове повторення) And now Yulia reads them and you repeat after her. Well done.

3.Poem. Missing words.

T: On the slyde you’ll see the poem, listen and repeat after me but be very attentive because on the next slyde you’ll see the same poem but with missing words. Complete it. Are you ready to fill in the words. Let’s check up. 

4. Oral communication+Lexical drills. 

T: Do you remember poems about appearance. Recite them, please.

  • Ten little fingers. Ten little toes. Two little ears and one little nose.

  • My doll is so pretty. Her eyes are so blue. Her cheeks are so rosy.

  • My dolly is pretty. My dolly is nice. She has a short nose and beautiful eyes.

Thank you. Well done.


T:  If we describe a person we usually say about his or her figure, hair, nose, eyes and face. So let’s revise these words.

Figure…-Are you tall or short? Are you thin or plump?

Hair….-Have you got straight, curly or wavy hair? Have you got long or short hair?

6.Oral communication. Monologue.

T: And now describe yourself. Who wants to be the first? 


T: And now it’s time for grammar. Look at the table and repeat after me: I have got…. We have got….

So let’s do Ex 3,p.17 (WB)-take pencils and circle the correct words. At home you’ll have to do the same exercise: write true sentences using this structure “have got”. 


T: And now we’ll have a minute of relaxation. Listen to the song of Ex8,p.21(PB) 

and fill in the structure “have got/has got”. And now let’s read and check up. 

9.Listening.”Mug and Nimble”

T: Listen to the short story about fairy-tale heroes: Mug and Nimble. In the text there is a word “a wing”- it means “крило”. Sign your cards.  After the first listening, read the sentences and say who is this. 

Listen to the text once more and your task will be to write if the sentence is true or false.  Exchange your cards, put 2 points for each correct answer.

Text:  This is Mug. He’s tall and he’s got blue eyes. He’s got big feet and two purple and yellow wings. Mug can walk and he can fly. But Mug is very sad. He can’t dance. This is Nimble. She’s tall. She’s got brown eyes. She’s got small feet and long orange hair. Nimble can dance and sing. 

Questions:  1. Has Mug got green wings?

                       2. Has he got blue eyes?

                        3. Has he got big feet?

                        4. Has he got orange wings?

                        5. Has Nimble got brown eyes?

                       6. Has she got big feet?

                       7. Has she got green hair?

                       8. Has she got long hair?

10. Reading. 

T: Now let’s read short texts about Fairytale Characters and guess who is who. 

Cinderella, Malvina, Pinocchio, Red Riding Hood

  1. He is small and very thin. His nose is very long. His hair is short. He has a hat on. He is kind to his friends. He helps them. He is made of wood.

  2. She is a very nice girl. She has a round face and large blue eyes. Her hair is long and blue too. She has a blue ribbon in her hair and a blue dress. She is very kind and clever: she can read and write. She helps her friends.

  3. She is a very nice little girl. She loves her mother and her grandmother. She has a white blouse and a skirt on. She has a red hat on. She has a basket in her hand.

  4. She is beautiful. She has long fair hair. Her eyes are big. She hasn’t nice dresses. She has no beautiful shoes. She sleeps in the kitchen. She has no mother. 


T: Let’s make a short break. (a song “Touch my hair”)

12.Speaking. Game.

T: Let’s play a guessing game: describe your classmates but don’t tell his or her name. We’ll say who this person is.

III. Conclusion. Hometask.

T: We’re short of time. Our lesson comes to the end. You were so active. I’m satisfied with your work. As you see it doesn’t matter what appearance we have, it’s importance that we are good friends and I think we are the best in our school. Your hometask is to do Ex.4, p.17(WB)-write true sentences according to the pictures. Your marks are… The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Конспект уроку в 10 класі 

Тема: Street art. Вуличне мистецтво.

Мета: розвивати комунікативні вміння учнів шляхом опису картинок; розвивати навички читання та усного мовлення; активізувати словниковий запас з теми; формувати в учнів навики групової роботи; розвивати уяву, логічне мислення та творчі здібності учнів; виховувати в учнів інтерес до мистецтва.

Очікувані результати: учні, використовуючи лексико-граматичний матеріал опрацьований на попередніх уроках,  поглиблюють свої знання з даної теми.

Ключові компетентності: здатність спілкуватися іноземними мовами, соціальні компетентності, уміння вчитися, інформаційно-комунікаційна. 

Тип уроку: урок застосовування знань, умінь та навичок

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, магнітофон, малюнки вуличного мистецтва, текст для читання, комп’ютер.

Хід уроку

  1. 1.Introduction

T: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! How are you? At the previous lessons we have spoken about famous artists, the world museums. Today our lesson will be devoted to the street art. Your task was to prepare some interesting information about this kind of art.

     2. Warming-up

T: What kinds of street art do you know? (Pupils come up to the blackboard and fill in the mind-map)

Street art:

  • advertising billboards;

  • buskers;

  • clowns;

  • fireworks;

  • graffiti;

  • living statues;

  • street musicians;

  • open-air concerts;

  • pavement artists ( street painting);

  • sculptures;

  • statues

  1. Main part

  1. Speaking.

      T: Now let’s make a tour around the cities and their streets. Look at the screen and try to name the kind of the street art.  What is a busker?  What is busking? What do you know about this kind of art?  

       T: What “street art” do you see or hear in your town? Is this art? Is this a kind of entertainment or the way to earn money?

  1. Vocabulary game.

T: We are going to play a game to see how attentive you were and how you remembered the new words. (Pupils choose the card with the definition of the word and name this word).

    1.A large picture in a street that advertises something  ( billboard)

     2.A show of bright colours and noises at night using objects that burn or explode ( firework)

     3.Writing or drawings on walls ( graffiti)

     4.Someone who keeps still like a statue  ( living statue)

     5.An artist who draws pictures on the pavement in chalk (pavement artist)

     6. To entertain people for tips (to busk)

     7.A person who busks ( a busker)

     8.The practice of performing in public places for tips ( busking)

    9. A concert, taking place outside a hall in the open air (open-air concert)

    10. They mime, dance and tell jokes (clowns)

    11. They sing or play the musical instrument entertaining people (street musicians)

  1. Reading.

T: Let’s travel into the past and find out who gave birth to graffiti and find out how popular graffiti is.

А) Pre- reading

T: To be able to understand the text you should read the new words and try to remember the main facts from this text. (one pupil reads the words with their translation)


       Deterred                       стримуватися, боятися щось зробити

       Mural                           стінний розпис 

       Rival                            конкурувати

       Harsh                           суворий

       Singapore                     Сінгапур        

       Flogging                       тілесне покарання

     В) While-reading

Text “Graffiti as a part of modern art” (pupils read the text in chain).

Graffiti as a part of modern art

Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on   property. 

Graffiti has existed since ancient times. In 1969, one person made graffiti famous and inspired people to start ‘tagging’ (writing their nick-name in an artistic way). That person was a Greek teenager named Demetrius who lived in 183rd Street in New York. His nickname was Taki so his tag became TAKI 183. He then wrote it everywhere and people copied him. When buses and the subway stopped in the main station in New York, dozens of writers would write their name on it.

Graffiti became a way of life. Graffiti style was massively influenced by the hip-hop culture that had started in the Bronx in the sixties. Hip-hop with its rapping, break dancing attitude and graffiti became a way to show anger and humour. Street gangs began to write the name of their gang on walls in order to mark territorial boundaries. 

Soon graffiti was spreading across America. The railroad and subway trains were so popular for graffiti so that it could be seen by many people. Train companies invested in special cleaning chemicals so that graffiti could be removed quickly. However one graffiti artist was not deterred – Lee Quinones decided if he couldn’t paint trains, he’d paint his graffiti on handball courts instead. No graffiti artists had ever been offered money for their work but one day Fred Brathwaite, a graffiti artist himself, offered Quinones money for his murals. Then they formed a graffiti mural group.

Many graffiti artists from the 1980s became rich. They were criticized for this by others who said that their motivation for graffiti shouldn’t be money. There are hundreds of international graffiti events for artists now. These events promote unity between graffiti artists who are often rivals.

Many states in the USA and different countries would like to stop graffiti. In Pittsburgh, USA, there is a proposed law to ban the sale of marker pens to people under 18. Other countries are very harsh. Singapore has just one wall where graffiti can be written (even then, some of it is censored). The city has a campaign for graffiti rules. In 1994, an American teenager Michael Fay sprayed paint on a car and was sentenced to a flogging.

Since those days, graffiti has changed a lot. Nowadays, it has the status of “street art” and you get graffiti in places where you wouldn’t expect it – in advertisements, on clothes, on toys and even on the website.

  С) Post-reading

  1. Matching the beginning of the sentences with the endings.

  1. Demetrius is a person…

  2. Graffiti style was massively…

  3. Gangs write on walls..

  4. Taggers wrote on trains…

  5. Train companies bought special chemicals…

  6. Some graffiti artists…

  7. Graffiti events are organized…

  8. Pittsburgh wants to introduce a law…

  1. that bans the sale of marker pens to the people under 18.

  2. so that their art could be seen across America.

  3. were offered a lot of money for their work.

  4. who made tagging popular.

  5. in order to mark their territory.

  6. so that graffiti could be removed quickly.

  7. so that rival graffiti gangs could make friends.

  8. influenced by hip-hop culture.

  1. Answer the questions (short- answer questions, use no more 4 words).

  1. What is graffiti?

  2. Who made graffiti famous?

  3. What was graffiti style influenced by?

  4. Where can you get graffiti?

4.Group work. Discussion.

T: Is graffiti widespread in Ukraine? Where can you see graffiti? Discuss your attitude towards graffiti. The first group proves: Graffiti is art. The second group – Graffiti is vandalism.

T: As the English proverb says: “So many men so many minds”.

    ІІІ. Summing-up

T: I think it was interesting for you to learn some information about street art. As for me I was impressed of living statues and street paintings. And what about you?  What was interesting and new for you?

“Microphone”. (Pupils answer in chain).

  1. Home assignment 

T: Your home task will be to prepare some interesting material about body art. 

  Possible students’ answers.

  1. Graffiti is creation of beautiful and significant things through drawing and painting.

  2. I consider it’s an important aspect of hip-hop culture. To suppress this art is to suppress a major historical movement.

  3. Some graffiti takes a lot of skills to create and looks great. That is art in my opinion.

  4. As far as I know nowadays many of graffiti artists are treated as respected artists.

  5. Great artists express their thoughts, feelings, desire, sympathy, dislike in such way. They want to be different from others.

  6. From my point of view graffiti is art, but it depends on where you write it, what you write and how you write it.

  7. To my mind graffiti is a form of art if the design is creative and interesting.

  8. I suppose it is a form of decoration where artists can share their feelings and talents.

  9. On the one hand it is art, on the other hand there ought be special places to create it.

  10. Graffiti artists want to be famous. It’s a new trend in modern culture.

The Subject of the Lesson: My Friend’s Appearance and Traits of Character.

Objectives: --to practice vocabulary and structures on the topic;
                     --to develop students’ reading and listening skills using active vocabulary on the topic;
                     --to test their ability to work in groups;
                     --to develop students’ fluency in using the language;
                     --to teach students how to attitude towards others, respect their friends.
I.T:Good morning. I’m glad to meet you. How are you? Today I’ll be your new teacher. My name is… And I want to get acquainted with you. I’ll give you sheets of paper, please, write down your names and stick on your uniforms.
T: Let’s start our lesson. At today’s lesson we’ll talk about friends, their appearance, features of character, their hobbies and interests. I think that everyone has friends. A friend is someone who chats with you on the Internet, for others—he is a person, who knows you all your life, your secrets. And today we’ll speak about such people. At the end of the lesson you’ll try to make up a portrait of your best friend.
II.T: Look at the blackboard and read the proverb about a friend and friendship. It will be the motto of out today’s lesson:
“ A man is known by the company he keeps.” Try to translate it. (Скажи мені хто твій друг, і я скажу тобі, хто ти).


III. T: Do you know other proverbs about friends and friendship. Don’t worry. Can I help you a little? I have prepared some proverbs, read them and try to understand:
1.   A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Товариш пізнається в біді).
2.    Actions speak louder than words. (Не по словах судять, а по ділах).
3.    All is not gold that glitters. (Не все золото, що блищить).
4.    Books and friends should be few but good. (Істинні друзі, як і мудрі книги—рідкість).
5.   Extremes meet. (Протилежності сходяться)
6.   Old friends and old wine are best. ( Старий друг краще двох нових).
IV. T: Let’s pass to the phonetic drill. Here you can see a poem “A friend is the best thing to have”. Listen to the poem and be ready to repeat after me. (читаю сама) Repeat after me (читаю по лінійці).Who wants to read it once more. Did you understand it? Are you lucky? Why? Have you a great friend? Does your friend take care of you?
V. T: Can we describe your best friend just now? I think we can’t because we didn’t revise the vocabulary of your previous lessons. Let’s start from your appearance.
T: Finish the sentences using the parts of the body:-------------
T: But we only named the part of the body. And now tell me the adjectives which describe these parts. For example, what can we say about figure, face, hair, nose, eyes.
Figure: tall, short, delicate, plump, medium-height;
Face: round, beautiful, pretty, oval, ugly, lovely, handsome.
Nose: small, long, straight, snub, turned-up.
Eyes: large, blue, grey, small, brown, bright, shining.
Hair: straight, curly, wavy, dark, grey, fair, long, short, black, golden.    
T: So now, we’ll work in groups. Your task is to describe these people. I’ll give you 1 minute. Who is so brave to represent your group. (кожен говорить по реченню).
VI.T: But a friend is not only the appearance, but also his/her character. Describing personality we can use such words. Repeat after me: polite, rude, hard-working, lazy, generous, mean, cheerful, bad-tempered, shy, confident.
T: Do you know all of them? Complete the sentences using these words.
1.   … people speak to people they don’t know and feel sure about what they can do.
2.   … people are usually happy and never angry.
3.   … people study a lot and always do their homework.
4.   …  people don’t study a lot or do their homework.
5.   … people are often angry and not often happy.
6.    … people give money to charity and to their friends.
7.   … people never give money to charity or to their friends.
8.   … people don’t usually say a lot to people they don’t know.
9.   ... people think about other people and always say ‘please’.
10…. People don’t think about other people and never say ‘please’.
VII. T: On the blackboard you have the most important qualities in a friend. Write these qualities in order of importance for you. You’ll work in group and write down your answers on these papers. Let’s check up are your points the same? Can you explain your choice. Use such expressions: In my opinion…, I think…, To my mind…
VIII. T: And now let’s read Rick’s composition about his best friend, Adam. Your task is to put the missing headings in the correct spaces.  (1E, 2D, 3C, 4B, 5A). You read the text silently. And now answer the questions after he text:
1.   What colour is Adam’s hair?
2.   What are his good qualities?
3.   What’s his favourite hobby?
4.   How often does Rick see Adam?
5.   What two things do they do together?
T: Read the sentences from the text to prove your thoughts.
IX. T: Another piece of work is to listen to Hannah’s talking about her friend. Listen for the first time and complete the notes:
1.   Lucy is----------------------.
2.   Lucy is quite short and quite--------------.
3.   She’s got-------------hair and eyes.
4.   She’s very kind and very------------------.
5.   She’s quite bad-tempered, but she never gets angry with--.
6.   She plays--------- for the school team.
7.   Hannah and Lucy often go rollerblading and go------------together .
T: And now exchange your cards and let’s check up your answers. Listen to the text once more and be ready to retell it. Describe Lucy. Who wants?
X.T: We have read the text about Adam, listened to the text about Lucy, so let’s choose in your group one of the person. He/she will be your best friend.  Describe them according to this writing guide.
                                    MY BEST FRIEND
My best friend’s name is………………..
He/she is………………..years old.
He/she is……...tall with……..hair and……..eyes.
He/she has several good qualities……….
He/she has some bad qualities……….
His/her hobbies and interests are…..
I see him/her………
We …………together……..
XI.T: Now let’s make up a portrait of the best friend. I have prepared sheets of paper with some qualities: positive and negative. What qualities must your best friend have? Choose the most important to your mind and stick them on the blackboard. I also gave you empty cards and you can write other qualities which are not mentioned here.
XII. T: Just now I want to sum up the results of our work. As I see the most important qualities in your friends is not the appearance but their positive features of character. I hope    that you have a real friend and you are a real friend for somebody.
I’m satisfied with your answers today. I’ll put you only excellent marks. Your task will be to make up a project work about your friend.

       A friend is the best thing to have.

A friend is the best thing to have,
A friend is a great thing to be,
If you have a great friend
From beginning to end,
You can be as lucky as me!
     A friend is the best thing to know,
     A friend will always be there,
     If you have a great friend
     From beginning to end,
   You’ll always have someone who cares!


1)                    A hand has five---------------------
2)                    You smell with your---------------
3)                    You hear with your ----------------
4)                    The-----------is a symbol of love
5)                    You have 32-----------------
6)                    You have two---------------
7)                    A foot has five---------------
8)                    You wear hat on your ------------
9)                    You taste with your --------
10)You carry your schoolbag on your----------

                            My best friend

A)              Activities together;        B) Hobbies and sports;
C)Personality;                       D)Appearance;

   My best friend is called Adam, and he’s twelve years old.
   Adam is tall, about 1 metre 75, and he’s got short blue and red hair—the colours of his favourite football team! His eyes are blue.
   Adam has got a lot of good qualities. He’s very friendly and loyal, and he’s got a great sense of humour. He only has two bad qualities. He is quite lazy, and he’s always late!
    Adam loves football, and he supports the local team, Longfield United. I don’t know why-they always lose! He’s got pictures of all their players on his bedroom walls and hundreds of match programmes under his bed. Adam doesn’t have time for any other hobbies!
    I see Adam every day at school. And I sometimes go to the amusement arcade with him on weekday evenings. I never see him on Saturdays because he’s always at a football match. But we often go to the cinema together on Sunday evening.
Interviewer: Who’s your best friend, Hannah?
Hannah: Her name’s Lucy. She’s in my class at school. So she’s the same age as me—ten.
I: Can you describe her appearance? How tall is she?
H: She’s quite short, about 1m 25. And she’s quite thin.
I: What colour is her hair?
H: Brown. Dark brown.
I: Uh, huh. And what about her eyes?
H: They’re brown too.
I: Can you describe her personality? What are her good qualities?
H: Well, she’s very kind. She always remembers my birthday and gives me presents. And she’s very confident.
I: What about her bad qualities? Has she got any bad qualities?
H: Yes, she’s quite bad-tempered. She sometimes gets angry and shouts. But she never gets angry with me!
I: Oh, that’s good! Now, tell me about her favourite sports and hobbies. What sports does she do?
H: She’s very good at volleyball. She plays in the school team. And hobbies? Um… Well, she likes rollerblading.
I: And do you go rollerblading together?

H: Yes, we do. We often go to the skate park and go swimming together at the swimming pool, too.

The Subject of the Lesson: The New World. From the History of America.

The Aim of the Lesson: -to develop and practice students’ skills and habits of prepared and unprepared speech;
                                          -to develop students’ reading and listening skills using active vocabulary on the topic’
                                          -to develop students’ fluency in using the language;
                                          -to test their ability to work in group;
                                          -to teach students to respect and value the history of other countries.

I.1.Introductory. Aim.
T: Dear friends! I’m glad to see you. I hope everything is OK. So let’s start our lesson. Today we are going to continue our journey to the United States of America. We have learnt a lot about this very beautiful country in the North America. But we know little about its history. So our task today is to enrich our knowledge about it. During the lesson we’ll read a text about the past and the present of the USA, listen to the text about the meaningful events in its history and listen to your stories about the first settlers on the territory of the USA. We also work in groups.

2. Presentation
T: Now I want to draw your attention to the first slide where the famous proverb is written: “Those who forget the past, have no future”. I think these words can be the motto of our today’s lesson. I also want you to read the epigraph to our lesson: “Americans ignore history… The national myth is that of creativity and progress… They believe in the future as if it were a religion; they believe that there is nothing they cannot accomplish, that solutions wait somewhere for all problems, like brides.”       F. Fitzgerald.
n How do you understand these words?
n  Do you agree with them?
n  Is the United States an old or a young country?
n  What dates and events are meaningful in its history?
T:  At the end of the lesson you’ll tell me if you change your mind.
 3. Warming up.
T: Now I’ll divide you into 2 groups and during the lesson you’ll work in these groups. At the end of the lesson every group will summarize your work and get marks.
  T: Who are these famous people? Do you know what countries are they from? ----Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Fernando Magellan, James Cook, Fabian Bellinsghausen, Khariton Laptev and David Livingston.
T: Match the name of the traveler with the place he visited. May be this map will help you:
-- travelled from Venice to China; crossing the Indian Ocean visited the southern countries of Asia-------------Marco Polo;
-- travelled from Portugal along the African coast to India------Vasco da Gama;
-- started his journey from Spain, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, discovered many islands near the south-eastern coast of America------Christopher Columbus;
-- started in Europe, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, travelled along the southern coast of South America, crossed the Pacific and the Indian  Oceans and travelled along the western coast of Africa and came back to Europe--- Fernando Magellan;
-- discovered Australia and New Zealand in the 18th century and made a round-world journey---James Cook;
-- travelled to the North Pole----Khariton Laptev;
-- discovered Antarctic----------Fabian Bellinshausen;
-- studied the central and southern parts of Africa-----David Livingston.
II. The main part of the lesson
4.Reading the text “The Discovery of America”.
T: Look at this picture. Who is this? Of course this is Christopher Columbus. What do you know about him?
T: Let’s read the text how this famous traveler arrived to America. Your task will be to finish the sentences. (the pupils read the text one by one).
                           The Discovery of America
Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was born in Italy. His father and grandfather were cloth makers. Columbus was a seaman and made many sea voyages.  Most people in Columbus’s days thought that the earth was flat and they didn’t believe that beyond the Atlantic Ocean lay India. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. There were 3 caravels: the Santa Maria, The Nina and the Pinta. After sailing 4000 miles he reached some land. The crew saw something like a white cliff and cried out:”Tierra! Tierra!”. Columbus thought that it must be India but it wasn’t. It was America. Columbus named the land they had reached San Salvador (Holy Saviour). People began to speak about the land as “The New World”. European people came to the New World for many reasons. Some hoped to find gold and silver. Priests and missionaries came to bring the Christian religion to the Indians. Among those who came for freedom was a small group of English people called Pilgrims. They wanted to start a new life and to have no religious problems they had in England. They set up a colony and called that part of the country “New England”.
T: And now please finish the sentences:
1.    Christopher Columbus discovered…………in……….
2.     He was a seaman and………………
3.    In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain……………….
4.    He decided to sail west because…………………….
5.    After sailing 4000 miles…………………………
6.    Columbus thought that it must be India but………………………
7.    European people came to the New World to……………………….
8.    A small group of English people called Pilgrims wanted to…………… 
5. Oral Practice. Hometask.
T: On this picture you can see the ship on board of which the first settles came to America. Do you know that before the first Europeans came to North America Native Americans, sometimes called Indians, were living there. Modern America was created by the early European settlers and by many immigrants who followed them.
The first colony in North America was founded in 1607 at Jamestown, Virginia, by the British. In 1620 English Puritans, known as the Pilgrim Fathers arrived to America on the ship Mayflower to escape religious persecution for their opposition to the Church of England. They founded Plymouth Colony in what later became Massachusetts.
T: Your hometask was to find some information about the first settlers. Who is ready to tell us about them? (розповіді учнів)
P1--The first settlers
In November, 1620, a small ship, the Mayflower, left England. There were about one hundred people abroad the ship who were running away from the cruelty of the king. For 7 long weeks the Mayflower was in the waves and storms of the Atlantic Ocean, and at last the people saw land. It was America.
It was already autumn. It was raining, and a cold wind was blowing. 16 men left the Mayflower and went ashore. In the evening they came back to the ship and brought some corn with them. They found the corn on the beach where the Indians had left it. Nobody in Europe had seen corn then, but when the people on board the Mayflower tried it, they liked it very much.
During the next 5 weeks the men from the Mayflower left the ship every day. They were looking for a good place to live. The weather was very cold, more and more men fell ill, but at last they found a good place. There was a good harbour for ships there, some fields and forests near it and even a small river. The people began to build a village there. By January, 1621, there were already two streets in this village, and they called it “New Plymouth”. But in winter the people were cold, they didn’t have enough to eat. Many of them died. When the houses were ready, the life became easier.
One day the people of the village suddenly saw a tall Indian walking along the street. He smiled and said, “Hallo, Yankee!” This Indian could speak English a little. He had learnt it from the sailors of a ship which had come to this part of America a few years before.
6. Listening to the text “American Independence”
a) Pre-listening activity:
 T: As you know it was very difficult to control all the colonies and the War of Revolution broke out. Helen, can you read the short information about the situation at this time. (one pupil reads the short text on slide 9).
P2-- By 1733 English settlers had founded 13 colonies along the Atlantic Coast. Over time the colonists were unhappy about having laws and taxes imposed by Britain and began to want more control over their affairs. The war of Revolution broke out in 1775, and the following year the colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence, which explained their reasons for wanting to separate from Britain. At times it seemed that the colonists would lose the war, but in late 1781 the British surrendered.
b) While-listening activity:
T: Let’s listen to the text about the American Independence. I’ll give you sheets of paper with the sentences. You have to listen to the text for the first time and put “+” next to the true sentences and “-“ next the false ones. Look them through. Is everything clear?
                          American Independence
   By the end of the 18th century, the whole of the Eastern coast of North America had been colonized, largely by the British. The guiding principle for these colonies was that they should supply the mother country with raw materials and not compete in manufacturing. The British Government increased its pressure on the colonies and put all possible obstacles in the way of their independent industrial development and trade. The British Government granted the East India Company the right of tax-free export of tea to the colonies. It caused indignation among the colonists so, when the first cargoes of this tea arrived in Boston harbour, the American Patriots boarded the three ships on the night of 16 December 1773 and threw the tea into the sea—the famous Boston Tea Party.
     Parliament closed Boston harbour. Representatives from every colony except Georgia met in Philadelphia in September 1774 and replied a trade embargo on Britain. As war became inevitable, the colonists met for a second time in Philadelphia in May 1776 and made George Washington their commander-in-chief. The formal Declaration of Independence was made on 4 July 1776.
    The American War of Independence lasted over 6 years. The French entered the war, providing military and economic help, after the American victory in the Battle of Saratoga in October 1777. The fighting ended when Washington, aided by the French army and navy, surrounded the British forces at Yorktown in October 1781. The peace settlement signed two years later recognized the independence, freedom and sovereignty of the thirteen colonies.
1. At the beginning of the 18th century the whole of the Eastern coast of North America had been colonized by the British.  (False)
2. The main task was to supply the mother country with raw materials and not compete in manufacturing.     (True)
3. The British Government reduce its pressure on the colonies.  (False)
4. The British Government granted the East India Company the right of tax-free export of tea to the colonies.     (True)
5. The first cargoes of this tea arrived in Boston harbour.    (True)
6. The American Patriots boarded the ships on the night of 16 September 1770 and threw the tea into the sea.    (False)
7. Representatives from every colony met in Philadelphia in September 1774 and replied a trade embargo on Britain.       (False)
8. After the second meeting the colonists made George Washington their commander-in-chief.      (True)
9. The formal Declaration of Independence was made on 4 July 1776. (True)
10. The American War of Independence lasted over seven years.  (False)
11. The Americans won the Battle of Saratoga in October 1778.  (False)
12. The peace settlement was signed in 1783 and recognized the independence, freedom and sovereignty of 13 colonies.     (True)

     c) Post-listening activity:
T: Listen to the text once more and put the following events in the correct chronological order:
A)   The Boston Tea Party
B)    The Battle of Yorktown
C)    The Battle of Saratoga
D)   The Declaration of Independence
E)    The colonists’ first meeting in Philadelphia
7. Reading the text “From the history of America”.
T: Do you know something about the Constitutional Convention which was written in 1787? Now we are going to read about the events of this time. ( the best pupils in the class read the first part of the text).
 Creating a single government for the 13 colonies was not easy, as each was afraid of giving the others too much power. A Constitutional Convention was held, and in 1787 the Founding Fathers, among them Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, wrote the Constitution, which set out how the US would be governed.
   At first people believed that the US was meant to extend its influence over the whole continent. Sometimes the US bought land, as it happened with Louisiana Purchase of 1803, when France sold its territory in North America. But the US fought a war against Mexico to win land in the South-west, and took land by force from Native Americans.
  Pioneers moved west to find new land to farm and lived a hard life. Away from centers of government, there was little law enforcement. This led to the famous image of the Wild West end stories of sheriffs involved in gun battles with violent criminals. During the gold rush, many people moved to California and later to the Klondike in Canada. Some went as prospectors, but many others found that they could make smaller but safer profits selling supplies.
  As new lands were settled and became states, the issue of slavery became important. In the southern states slaves worked on the cotton plantations.
   In the North slavery was illegal. After Abraham Lincoln, a foe of slavery, was elected President in 1860, 11 states left the Union and proclaimed themselves an independent state, the Confederate States of America. The American Civil War, a war between the North and the South, had begun. But in 1865 the North won. The Civil War put an end to slavery. The South again became part of the US and slavery was made illegal everywhere.
 T: Let’s revise the material we have listened by that time and answer the questions:
1. Who was living in North America before the first Europeans came there?
2. Who founded the first colony? Where did it happen?
3. Who came on the Mayflower?
4. Why were the colonies unhappy?
5. What was the aim of the Declaration of Independence?
6. Who were the Founding Fathers and why were they called so?
7. What was the golden rush?
8. What was the reason of the Civil War? When did it happen? Who won?
T: But we only spoke about the past of America. So it’s time to speak about more modern period in the history of the USA. Let’s read the last part of our text.
   Industrial development had helped the North to win the Civil War, and after the war industry continued to grow. Many factory workers were immigrants who came there looking for a better life. Working conditions were often hard and dangerous. In the early 1900s labour unions tried to change the law so that employers paid the decent wage and factories were safer.
   The wealthy now had the opportunity to buy cars. There were a wide choice of makers by David Buick, Henry Ford and Walter Chrysler. The early 1900s was also a time of building. In Chicago and New York skyscrapers were constructed. The Chrysler Corporation built its new headquarters, the now famous Chrysler Building, and soon after, in 1929, just before the beginning of the Great Depression, work began on the Empire State Building, for many years the tallest in the world.
   The next decades were difficult ones for the US. Americans had long believed they should not become involved in foreign wars, though they had entered World War I. As the Depression was ending, the US became involved in World War II. After the war, soldiers returned home to a very different America. Factories were producing many more goods to buy. Women who had worked during the war wanted to keep their jobs. African Americans and Native Americans, who had fought alongside white soldiers, began to demand equal rights. Soon, America was opposing the USSR in the Cold War. America was also becoming involved in Vietnam. In 1963, the assassination of President Kennedy shocked the world.
    In the 1960s there were many social changes. Laws allow African Americans to use restaurants, schools, etc. previously reserved for the white. Clothing also changed: women’s skirts became very short, also both men and women began to wear jeans, once considered appropriate only for heavy work. In the 1980s there was a reaction to these liberal ideas, but the changes of the 1960s and 1970s have had a lasting effect, and now almost everyone accepts the principles of equal rights and opportunity, and considerable personal freedom.
T: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:
1.     ---------------------had helped the North to win the Civil War.                                             
a)    Native Americans
b)    Industrial development
c)     Immigrants from Europe
2.    Many factory workers were immigrants who came to the US---------------
a)    looking for a better life.
b)    trying to escape from police.
c)     looking for an easy life.
3.    The wealthy people now had the opportunity------------
a)    to travel all over the world.
b)    to send their children to universities.
c)     to buy cars.
4.    --------------------for many years used to be the tallest building in the world.
a)    The Chrysler Building
b)    The Empire State Building
c)     The Capitol
5.    In the 1960s there were many -----------------------changes.
a)    political
b)     cultural
c)     Social
6.    People began to wear jeans, once considered appropriate only for-------------
a)    heavy work.
b)    schools and colleges.
c)     ceremonial events.
8.Writing. The meaning dates in the history of the USA.
T: Now your task is to write the meaningful dates in the history of the USA with the events which took place. The dates you see on the blackboard.
Pupils answers:  1607-the first colony was founded;
1620-the Pilgrims arrived to America;
1733-by that time 13 colonies had been found:
1775-the war of Revolution broke out;
1781-the British surrendered;
1787-the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution;
1803-France sold its territory (Louisiana Purchase) in North America;
1861-1865-the American Civil War between the North and the South;
1929-the Empire State Building has been built;
1963-the President Kennedy was shot.
III. Summarizing. Hometask.
9.    T: But time flies so quickly. Our lesson comes to the end. So let’s make a conclusion. Agree or disagree with the words:”Those who forget the past, have no future”. Did you change your mind? Use such expressions:
n  I think…                                     
n To my mind…
n It seems to me…
n I agree with…
n I share your point of you…
n I’m of the same opinion….
n I disagree with…..
n I’m against….
10.T: I’m satisfied with your answers. I’ll put you only excellent marks. Your hometask is to write a composition on the topic “The events in the history of the USA which impressed me most of all”.
Was our lesson interesting? What new facts have you learnt?
Our lesson is over. Good-bye.

Theme: Amazing Places Around The World.

Objectives: To revise all the vocabulary on the topic;
                     To develop students’ skills and habits of prepared and unprepared speech;
                       To teach students to express their opinion;
                      To practice listening, reading, speaking and writing skills;
                       To practice the Passive Voice;
                        To teach students to respect and keep the historical monuments of different countries in the world.

Materials and aids: a tape-recorder, a cassette, pictures with the views of amazing places around the world, cards.

« He that travels far knows much».
I.1.Greeting. Introduction to the lesson.
T: Good morning, dear friends. I‘m glad to see you. How are you today? I think everything is OK. Are you ready to start our lesson?
T: As you see the theme of our lesson is « Amazing places around the world» .So our lesson will be like a journey which starts from the ancient times and finishes at present. Our task is to get acquainted with these places using in your descriptions the Passive Voice. In this case we’ll also revise grammar material.
2. Warming up.
T: Now I want to draw you attention to the blackboard where the quotation from John Clark is written «He that travels much knows much» .I think these words can be the motto of our lesson. Let s try to prove that Clark was right. What’s your opinion? How do you understand these words? What does travelling means for you?
P1 -- I think it’s true. Travelling develops our outlook.
P2 – To my mind if you visit different countries, you get acquainted with traditions and customs of these countries.
P3—Travelling develops our imagination.
P4-- I want to add that travelling gives us knowledge.
P5 – I agree with you that travelling helps us to study foreign languages alive.
P6 – To my mind, when you travel, you can see a lot of interesting buildings, castles, monuments and so on.
P7 – Don’t forget, if you travel, you meet different people and make friends.
T: Yes, you are right. Let’s start our journey.
3. Phonetic drills.
T: The names of some places are a bit difficult to pronounce. Let’s repeat after me: The Nasca Lines, Xian, China, Emperor’s army, Tutankhamen’s tomb, The Statue of Liberty, Stonehenge, The Millennium Bridge, The Egyptian pyramids, The Eiffel Tower.
4. Speaking practice.
 T: Our starting point is Peru and the legend about the Nasca Lines. On the blackboard you can see an example of such drawings—it’s a spider. Answer my questions:
1.      What are the Nasca Lines? (They are huge drawings of birds, animals and insects. They were cut into ground.)
2.      Why are they called so? (Because they are made by the Nascan people.)
3.      How long ago did they live? (They used to live in Peru thousands of years ago.)
4.      When where the drawings made? (They were made over a period of a thousand years from about 500 BC to AD 500)
5.      Why weren’t the drawings found for many years? (They weren’t found for thousands of years because they were buried in sand.)
6.      Who found the drawings in the 1920s? (They were first discovered by pilots in the 1920s. They saw them from their planes.)
7.      Why were the drawings so huge? (They were made not for humans but for the sky gods. The Nascans wanted to please them.)
T: OK. Good.
5. Oral practice (dialogues)
T: But boys and girls, do you know anything about the Emperor’s army at Xian or The Great Wall in China?
Dialogue 1:
P1—Do you know where was the Emperor’s army found?
P2—I have found the information that it was at Xian in China.
P1-- Is it true that there were thousands of model soldiers in this army?
P2 – That’s right and they are different. They were made for an Emperor of China and he was buried with them.
P1 – Who found that fantastic place?
P2 – It was found by some farmers in 1974.
P1 – And what about the Tutankhamen’s tomb?
P2 – The Tutankhamen’s pyramid was found in 1922 by Howard Carter.
P1 – What was there inside of it?
P2 – There were jewels, gold and silver. But many of these things were stolen by robbers thousands of years ago.
T: Thank you boys. Who else?
Dialogue 2:
P3 – Have you seen the Great Wall in China?
P4 – No, I haven’t. But I would like to. It’s fantastic.
P3 – How old is the Great Wall?
P4 – It was built thousands of years ago.
P3 – Why was it built?
P4 – It was built to keep the enemies from the north.
P3 – How long is it?
P4 – It s length is about 4600 kilometers.
P3 – What s it made of?
P4 – Mostly stone, but there is some brick too.
P3 – How was it built?
P4 – It was built completely by hands.
P3 – Oh, now I see that the Great Wall of China is amazing.

6. Listening. The Egyptian Pyramids. Ex.7,p.57 (PB)
A) Pre-listening activities:
T: These places are closely connected with another historical monument. What is it? Where are they situated?
P1,2 – They are the Egyptian Pyramids .They are in Egypt.

B) While-listening:
T: Listen to Hesham telling about the pyramids. Complete the notes.
A)     age--------------4500 years old
B)     material------------stone
C)     transported by------boats
D)     height-----------one hundred meters
E)      used as-----------tombs for the kings.
C) Second listening:
T: Listen to the dialogue once more and be ready to correct my statements (true/ false sentences)
1. The pyramids were built more than 450 years ago.-----(-)
2. They were made of huge blocks of stone.------------------(+)
3. They were carried by hands down the river Nile.---------(-)
4. The pyramids are of the same size.----------------------------(-)
5. They served as the kings  tombs.-------------------------------(+)

8.    Reading. (The London Eye/ The Millennium Bridge)
T: Dear friends, we live in a modern world and there are many wonderful sights to see too. They were built 7-10 years ago, for example the London Eye and the Millennium Bridge.
A)   Pre-reading questions:
Where are they situated? (They are in London)
Have you seen them? (No, I have not)
B)    While-reading activity:
T: Before reading look through the questions below and while reading, try to find the answers to these questions:
1.      Who was the London Eye designed by? (It was designed by the British architects.)
2.      Where were the main parts of them made? (They were made in Holland).
3.      How were the other parts of it carried to Great Britain? (They were carried by ship.)
4.      When was it opened? (It was opened on the 1st of February 2000)
5.      When was the Millennium Bridge opened and by whom? (It was opened in 2000 by the Queen)
6.      When was it closed? Why? (It was closed 2 days later because it was wobbling so much)
7.      When it was opened again? (It was opened 2 years later).
The text:
             The London Eye is in London, of course and it was designed by the British architects. However, it was not made in Great Britain at all. The main parts of the Eye were made in the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Italy. The parts were carried to Great Britain by ship. Then they were put together in London. It was opened to the public on the 1st of February 2000.
The Millennium Bridge is a new bridge across the river Thames in London. It was opened in 2000 by the Queen. However, it was closed again two days later because it was wobbling too much. Two years later, on February 22nd, it was opened again. Now it is used by thousands of people every day.

8.    Monologue.
T: Your hometask was to find the information about the Statue of Liberty, Stonehenge and the Eiffel tower. Who wants to tell us about them?
P1----The Eiffel Tower.
The Eiffel Tower or the iron lady is located in Paris. It is the most visited and paid monument in the world. Millions of people come to France to see it every year. Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, The tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World s Fair. The tower is 324 meters tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building. The tower has got 3 levels for visitors. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps. The third and the highest level are accessible only by the elevator. Both the first and the second levels have got restaurants. The metal structure of the Eiffel Tower weights 7300 tones.
P2-----The Statue of Liberty.
The Statue of Liberty is a splendid statue, which stands on a small island at the entrance to New York  harbour. Its top reaches 305 feet above the water level.It is the work of a well-known
French  sculptor Frederic Bartholdi. The statue is made of copper and it is empty inside.225 tons of metal were used for its construction. There is also a lift in it. The goddess of liberty holds the torch in right hand and a tablet in her left hand with the date « July 4th 1776» on it, which symbolizes the Declaration of Independence. The seven rays on the crown of the statue represent the seven seas and seven continents. The total weight is 125 tons. The statue is opened to the visitors, usually arriving on the ferry. The museum, located in the pedestal shows the history of the statue.
Stonehenge is one of the Europe s biggest stone circle that is 10 or 12 meters high. They are 5000 years old. There are many graves around the monument. Work started around 1800 BC. The ruins consist of two stone circles and two stone horseshoes. Stonehenge is a kind of a calendar. The sun and the stones let the ancient people know when the months and the seasons start.

9. Writing.
T : Let‘s do some grammar exercises from your Activity book.(Ex.2,3 p.50) Your task is to use the  Passive Voice .

III. Hometask. Summerising.
T: But our lesson comes to the end. Have you learnt anything new? Was the journey interesting? I want to finish our lesson with such words:
«Do not forget the past.  Value the present.  And look with the hope into the future.»
I am satisfied with your work today. Your hometask will be to find the interesting facts about
 amazing places in Ukraine and make a project. Thanks everyone. Good-bye.

The London Eye/ The Millennium Bridge.
Answer the question:
1.Who was The London Eye Designed by?
2. Where were the main parts of it made?
3. How were the other parts of the London Eye  carried to Great Britain?
4. When was it opened?
5. When was The Millennium Bridge opened and by whom?
6. When was it closed? Why?
7. When was it opened again?

The Subject of the lesson: Healthy/Unhealthy Food.

The Aim of the lesson: -to develop speaking skills;
                                         -to develop listening and reading with the understanding of the whole text;
                                         -to give information about fast food and junk food and problems caused by such food;
                                          -to activate grammar skills(Active/Passive Voice).
                                         Plan of the lesson
I.Greeting. Organizational moment. Theme/aim.
T: Good morning! How are you? I hope, you are OK! Tell me please, what things are important in our life, I mean without what components a person can’t live. (air, food, water)
So today we are going to speak about one of these components-food. At our lesson we’ll discuss problems of fast food and healthy eating. You’ll do some exercises, practice in reading and speaking, practice in using Active and Passive Voice.

II.The main part of the lesson.
1.Warming-up. Proverbs.
T: Do you know any proverbs about food?
-Hungry as a hunter.
-Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.
-Appetite comes with eating.
-Tastes differ.
-An apple a day, keeps a doctor away.
-Forbidden fruit is sweet.
T: But the motto of our lesson are another proverbs: -Do you eat to live or live to eat? Eating is always a decision, nobody forces your hand to pick up food and put it into your mouth.    How do you understand them?
It depends on you, what to eat, what is bad or good for your body, what can damage or help your body.
2.Brainstorming. Oral practice.
T: And now tell me please, what is your favourite food? What would you like to try or have a weakness for? What do you hate or would never try? Make your own sentences.
3. Writing. Vocabulary.
T: But now write a list of your 8 favourite foods in order of importance: more and less important for you.
T: Read your lists. What food is more common for all of you? Do you have fast foods in your list?
What fast foods do you know: hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, chocolate bars, chips, cookies, crisps and so on.
4. Oral practice. 
T: Let’s do Ex.1, p.52 (PB)  Which fast foods are the most popular with teenagers? How often do you eat them? (in your country).
5. Teacher’s word. Presentation.
  T: Do you know that Americans have an obsession to be fit and healthy. They put a lot of effort to prevent illnesses. They regularly see specialists, take vitamins, practice sports, and keep to a healthy, low-fat diet. But there are more overweight people in the US than anywhere else.  It’s not surprising since they are constantly tempted by hot dogs, hamburgers….
  Fast food is not the same in every country. Fast food companies often change their menu to suit tastes in different countries, using Mc Donald’s as an example:
-in Japan they have an Ebi Filet-0 (shrimp burger) and green tea-flavoured milkshakes;
-in parts of Canada there are Mc Lobster sandwiches;
- in Chile you can dress your burger with avocado paste.
6. Reading. Ex 2, p.52 (PB) 
T: We are going to read the text. Read the headline and tell me what will the text be about? (new words)
 Read the fast food facts and tick(v) true or cross (x) false sentences.
1.A kind of pizza was eaten in Ancient Greece. (+)
2.Modern pizza was invented in 20th century.(-)
3.The “Pizza Margherita” was invented in the USA.(-)
4.Coca-cola was a big success immediately.(-)
5.The average Mexican drinks more Coca-cola than the average American.(+)
6. People who eat a lot of fast food are getting slimmer than other people.(-)
7. Sales of fizzy drinks are getting down in the USA.(+)
8.The first Mc Donald’s restaurant was opened in California in 1940.(+)
9.Fast food creates a lot of rubbish.(+)
10. The Americans have started a slow food campaign.(-)
7. Discuss the questions:
- Is it good or bad thing that fast food is spreading around the world?
-Do you agree with a “slow food” campaign?
8. Grammar. Passive/Active Voice.
T: Look at the verbs in bold in the text. Which are passive and which are active?
(explaining of the grammar material according to the table)
Look at the table and translate my sentences:
1.Рис вирощують в Китаї.
2.Вчора було продано багато хотдогів.
3.Смачний торт приготують завтра
5.Останнім часом близько 1000 ресторанів фірми МакДональд було відкрито в Китаї.
9.Listening. Group work.
 T: Now I’ll read you a text about Fast food and junk food. Your task is to write advantages and disadvantages of using fast food (positive and negative sides).
Advantages: convenient, quick, cheap, no preparation is needed, tasty.
Disadvantages: unhealthy, has no vitamins, contain too much fat, salt and sugar, can cause different diseases, contain colouring agents and food additives, can cause  overweighting.
T: Listen to the interview and write down the names of foods where you can find : Vitamins, Carbohydrates,Protein.
And now answer the questions:
·        What is the most important thing for you if you want to be fit and healthy?
      What food will give you lots of vitamins, especially Vitamin C?
      Why do you need to eat food with carbohydrates?
      Why eating too many sweets and chocolates are bad for your body?
      What food contains protein?
      Eggs and milk also give you calcium, don’t they? What is it important for?
      Must you eat regularly or at different times?
      What mustn’t you do when you’re training?
11.Group work. Writing.
T: Remember that healthy lifestyle is impossible without healthy eating habits.
Complete Jessica’s New Year’s resolutions with the words from the box.
(caffeine,  fat,  fibre,  fit,  lose, headache,  put on)
My New Year’s resolutions
I’m going to look after myself better this year!
1.     I’m going to__________some weight
2.     I’m going to eat less_____and more____.
3.     I’ll try not to_____weight again next Christmas.
4.     I’m going to exercise every day until I feel _____ and healthy.
5.     If I have a ______, I won’t take painkillers.I’ll go for a walk instead.
6.     I’m going to have less______: only one cup of coffee a day.
                                                                                                        Jessica Williams 

III. Finishing of the lesson. Conclusion. Hometask.

The Subject of the lesson: England. A visit to the English-Speaking Country.

The Aim :- to match visuals using general reading skills;
                 -to listen for specific information;
                  -to develop pupils’ skills to speak fluently about some facts from the history of England;
                  -to practice pupils to work in pairs;
                  -to teach pupils to respect traditions and customs of other countries.
                                                 Plan of the Lesson
I.Theme /aim.
T: Good afternoon! I’m glad to meet you! Do you like to travel? Where would you go if you won a million dollars. The motto of our lesson is “Who that travels far, knows much”. Do you agree with these words?  (you meet new people; get acquainted with the culture, traditions, cuisine of this country; you visit historical places.) 
So today we’re going to visit one country, learn about its history, some traditions; listen to the legends of this country.

II.The main part of the lesson.
1.Warming up.
T: If we speak about any country what main features we describe? Go to the blackboard and write down. Give your associations to the word “Country”: culture, symbols, traditions, sport, capital-city, people, music/art, historical places, legends, industry, government.
2. Brainstorming.
T: But we’re going to visit one of the English-Speaking countries. Do you know some of them? (Great Britain, the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Canada)
On the blackboard you have a crossword puzzle. Fill In the name of the country.
(питання на слайдах)
1.     Who are these people? What country do they belong to?
2.     In what country do the people wear such national costumes?
3.     Where can you taste such delicious food?
4.     Where can you see these amazing places?
5.     What country are they from?
6.     The flag of what country is this?
 So we are going to Great Britain.
3.Oral practice. Checking up the hometask.
T: Look at the map of Great Britain, what parts does it consist of? What are the capitals of each of them? What ocean or sea is Great Britain washed by? 
T: Who wants to tell us something you remember about this country?
T: By the way, do you know that every country has a flower/tree symbol? What is the symbol of Ukraine? (a snowball tree)
T: Look at the pictures can you guess what country do they belong to?
--shamrock—Ireland (because it grows in many places, it has 3 leaves and some people think that this number is magic)
--daffodil—Wales (a red dragon)
--thistle—Scotland (is a plant and it’s very sharp. An ancient story tells that enemies from across the sea hurt their feet on Scottish thistles. They quickly jumped back into their ships and sailed away.)
4.Reading the text Ex1,p.38
T: And now we’ll read the text about England.
Pre-reading activities: In the text there are some unknown words, repeat after me-“punt” it’s a kind of very long boat like a canoe; “thatched” roof- this roof is made of special grass and hay.
While-reading activities: listen and match parts of the text with the pictures.
After-reading activities: answer the questions:
1.What are the English people crazy about?
2.Do they have pets? What pets do they have?
3. Besides English football what another sport is famous in England?
4. Where can you find houses with thatched roofs?
5. Why are there such surnames as “Butcher, Backer, Wheeler, Potter, Farmer”.
6. What the oldest and the most famous universities are there in England?
7. For river trips people use special boats. How are they called?
8. What is the Hadrian’s wall? Where is it situated?
5. Oral practice. Monologue.
T: And now  let’s speak more detailed about some aspects.
-We have read that English people are crazy about gardening. Do you know anything about this?
-What kinds of sports are famous in England: football, horse-racing, riding, tennis, bowls, rugby, cricket. Read a short text about them and then you have to choose the best endings.
6. Listening.Ex2,p39.
T: At the next lesson we’ll speak about university cities but now I want you to listen to the text about a famous place in England, Tintagel and answer the questions. Look them through.
 Where is Tintagel?
Why is it famous?
What can you see there?
Where might you see ghosts?
What might you see every year?
III. Conclusion. Hometask.
T: Did you like our lesson? What interesting facts about England have you learnt?

Your hometask  is  prepare a project about England, adding some information about education in England.  

The Subject of the lesson: Appearance.

The Aim of the lesson: -to revise all the vocabulary on the topic;
-to develop pupils’ skills and habits of prepared and unprepared speech;
-to develop pupils’ skills of reading and listening;
-to practice the using of grammar structure “have got/has got”;               
-to teach them to love and respect their classmates and friends; 
-to develop pupils’ skills to think logically, to develop attention.
Materials: tapes, cards, pictures.
                                          Plan of the lesson.
I.Introduction. The Subject/the aim.
T: Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? I hope that everything is OK! Let’s start our lesson.
Today we’re going to speak about appearance: your, your friend’s or classmate’s appearance. We’ll also describe fairy tale heroes, listen to the song, recite poems, revise grammar structure “have got”. I hope you’ll like our lesson. And by the end of the lesson you’ll learn how to describe people according to the plan.

II.The main part of the lesson.
T: The motto of the lesson is the proverb “Take us as you find us”. Can you translate it. You can explain these words in Ukrainian. It isn’t so important how does the person look like: is he or she tall or short, thin or plump, has he/she got long or short hair, curly, straight or wavy. It’s more important our inner world. By the end of the lesson we’ll try to prove it.
2.Lexicall drills/Phonetic drills.
T: And now look at this handsome boy and repeat the words which you have already known (хорове повторення) And now Yulia reads them and you repeat after her. Well done.
3.Poem. Missing words.
T: On the slyde you’ll see the poem, listen and repeat after me but be very attentive because on the next slyde you’ll see the same poem but with missing words. Complete it. Are you ready to fill in the words. Let’s check up.
4. Oral communication+Lexical drills.
T: Do you remember poems about appearance. Recite them, please.
v Ten little fingers. Ten little toes. Two little ears and one little nose.
v My doll is so pretty. Her eyes are so blue. Her cheeks are so rosy.
v My dolly is pretty. My dolly is nice. She has a short nose and beautiful eyes.
Thank you. Well done.
T:  If we describe a person we usually say about his or her figure, hair, nose, eyes and face. So let’s revise these words.
Figure…-Are you tall or short? Are you thin or plump?
Hair….-Have you got straight, curly or wavy hair? Have you got long or short hair?
6.Oral communication. Monologue.
T: And now describe yourself. Who wants to be the first?
T: And now it’s time for grammar. Look at the table and repeat after me: I have got…. We have got….
So let’s do Ex 3,p.17 (WB)-take pencils and circle the correct words. At home you’ll have to do the same exercise: write true sentences using this structure “have got”.
8.Song. Ex 8,p.21(PB)
T: And now we’ll have a minute of relaxation. Listen to the song of Ex8,p.21(PB)
and fill in the structure “have got/has got”. And now let’s read and check up.
9. Reading. Ex.6,p.21(PB)
T: On Wednesday we read the text about Fred, Popsy, Dilly,Bugsy and Matt. So now read 2 descriptions and guess who is this? (one by one)
T: Let’s make a short break. (a song “Touch my hair”)
11.Listening.”Mug and Nimble”
T: Listen to the short story about fairy-tale heroes: Mug and Nimble. In the text there is a word “a wing”- it means “крило. Sign the cards. After the first listening-read the sentences and say who is this.
Listen to the text once more and your task will be to write if the sentence is true or false.  Exchange your cards, put 2 points for each correct answer.
12.Speaking. Game.
T: Let’s play a guessing game: describe your classmates but don’t tell his or her name. We’ll say who this person is.
III. Conclusion. Hometask.

T: We’re short of time. Our lesson comes to the end. You were so active. I’m satisfied with your work. As you see it doesn’t matter what appearance we have, it’s importance that we are good friends and I think we are the best in our school. Your hometask is to do Ex.4, p.17(WB)-write true sentences according to the pictures. Your marks are… The lesson is over. Good-bye.

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